Episode #80: The Importance of Setting Boundaries (Boundaries Like a Boss Part 1)

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This week on the podcast, we are kicking off part one of a new series: Boundaries Like a Boss. One thing to hold onto throughout this series is that boundaries equal love.  And once you are able to understand and set boundaries, you can show up better for yourself and the people around you, creating safety for everyone. In this episode, Kate shares why we need them, why we don’t like them, and how to get started with setting the ones you need most in your life. 

In order to find true success in your relationships and in your business, you need to be really good at setting boundaries. And to do this, you need to know yourself well and what your limits are. Once you do, you can show up better for yourself and the people around you, creating a safe environment for everyone. 

In this episode, Kate shares why we need boundaries, why we don’t like them, and how to get started with setting the ones you need most in your life.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • (2:06) What are boundaries and why we need them

  • (3:55) How boundaries create safety in relationships

  • (6:55) How boundaries help avoid future confrontation

  • (8:54) Why we need to be clear about our priorities and desires

  • (9:52) Boundaries create greater success

  • (11:04) Boundaries save us time

  • (12:35) Why we don’t like boundaries 

  • (16:48) Where to start with setting boundaries

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Why are you avoiding boundaries?

  • How would your life be different if you weren’t avoiding a certain boundary?

Words of Wisdom: 

-- Boundaries = love

-- Boundaries amplify your success

-- Do not be afraid to offend someone with your boundaries

For more on this topic, check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Connect with Kate!
