Join the Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator

Trying to grow your business is hard. And for some reason, you just can’t seem to get the traction you’re looking for. You hear the stories of business owners making consistent $10k months or $100k years … and you’re struggling wondering what you’re doing wrong. You’ve been trying to show up online, but it feels like a constant struggle. Feelings of self-doubt, frustration, and comparison keep holding you back from showing up the way you’d like to. And it becomes a vicious cycle keeping you from gaining the momentum to make your business dream come to life so you can finally do what you really want like …

  • Go on vacation

  • Ditch your 9-5

  • Stay at home with your kiddos

  • Finally LIVE + LOVE your life

The Truth is…. it’s not your fault. People are teaching strategy after strategy -- convincing you this ONE thing is the key to your success.

 But strategy is only a piece of the puzzle, doing more doesn’t always equal better results, and chasing all the shiny objects will only leave you confused and frustrated. Every other entrepreneur who’s made it big will tell you the REAL secret to success is actually ...

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You can’t get the outer results you want without doing the INNER work first. That’s exactly why I created The Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator. The Accelerator is a collection of tools and resources to support you in the areas that will help you MOST in your business …

  • Confidence

  • Visibility

  • Success Mindset

When you master these 3 elements, you’ll find yourself taking the right action, attracting new opportunities, and landing clients. In other words, you’ll find MOMENTUM -- and that’s all you need to start growing your empire and expanding your impact in the world.

PLUS… I share all the behind the scenes of how I run my business today as a busy mama of three! I believe that by pulling back the curtains and sharing the nitty gritty of how I run my business and my team helps, you can begin to see how easy you can really make it for yourself!


I’m Kate, Author, Psychotherapist, Podcast Host, and Mindset Coach for entrepreneurs who want to be leaders in their industries. Today, I have multiple thriving businesses, have three littles four and under, work only 5 hours per week (yes, you read that correctly!) but it’s a far cry from where I began.

The first month of opening my therapy practice in 2014, I only secured three clients. I was spending all of my money to grow and learn and expand, but I wasn’t making any. Rent cost much more than I was bringing in. With the fee I was charging my first clients, I was actually paying to see them!!! People would ask how my practice was going and I would cringe, not wanting to tell them I had NO clients. Once I realized that having confidence and shifting my mindset could change everything, I grew, and then continued to grow until I was able to quit my full-time agency job and have a wait list. I fully booked my practice and said goodbye to my employer within three months of making over my mindset. I knew I couldn’t keep this “secret” to myself, so I made it my mission to help ladies create this mindset for success in themselves. I’ve supported my clients in quitting their 9-5s, launching their businesses, raising their prices to a place that makes them feel empowered and appreciated, helped them set the boundaries that free up time and mental space, work through money blocks, and book clients that are *gasp* fun to work with.

And it can happen for you too with the Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator. All you have to do is click that little button below and finally say YES to your dreams, your future, and yourself.


The Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator gives you LIFETIME access to my ENTIRE library of workbooks, masterclasses, courses, and challenges - all geared toward helping YOU create a mindset for success!


 If that wasn’t enough, in addition to Confidence, Visibility, and Mindset, I’ve got some bonuses you will LOVE.

  • Twelve New 2021 Masterclasses… We pulled back the curtains on how we run this business behind the scenes! Each month I shared a folder of goodies with swipe files, spreadsheets, trackers, templates, PLUS a monthly video training on how I run specific aspects of the business. Over the last 7 years we have consulted with professionals, spent countless hours testing launches, assessed what works best in terms of back end systems, and I want to share it all with YOU. This took us years of time and money to put together and now you get to take and benefit! Each month of 2021 I created a new training with a folder of goodies, including swipe copy, sales emails, promotional content, challenge templates, podcasting contacts, PR pitches, media kits, and the list goes on!

    Here are a few to share below:

    • Quiz Creation: All the ins in outs of how I created my first quiz which provided a 400% ROI! I share the exact email sequence that segments potential customers into multiple groups with different offers.

    • Real Estate Investments: This one includes my right hand man…my husband! He answers all the juiciest real estate questions we have gotten throughout the years. He is a genius at finding money to continue acquiring new properties and will share how!

    • Planning Time Off: So many have asked how I have gone about planning three maternity’s in the last four years. Well I peel back the curtains and share the good, the bad, and how to make it work for you. This training can be for those who just want large chunks of time off, not necessarily maternity, but even travel.

    • Lead Generation: I walk you through the strategy that helped me have my highest earning year while having kiddos home with me during the pandemic.

    • How to Write AND Launch a Book: How I began my publishing journey to acquire a Literary Agent, to then sign a double book contract with the publishing house of my dreams, plus my entire marketing strategy when launching Thinking Like a Boss book.

    • Private Practice in a Box: All of the forms, policies, and protocols that are necessary to get your private practice off the ground. Plenty of forms you can customize to begin using in your practice!

    • and many more.

  • Lifetime Access to everything in the library now so you never have to worry again

  • A $449 credit if at anytime during this program you decide to join the Mastermind!

Includes workbooks to learn steps on how to go from scarcity mindset, fears around taking time off from your business, and comparisonitis to feeling excited to unplug from work, believing abundance is on the way and accepting there is no such thing …

Includes workbooks to learn steps on how to go from scarcity mindset, fears around taking time off from your business, and comparisonitis to feeling excited to unplug from work, believing abundance is on the way and accepting there is no such thing as competition

Includes my step-by-step system for setting boundaries in your life and business, journal prompts to help you identify where to set better boundaries, and take-and-tweak templates for setting boundaries on social media and in emails

Includes my step-by-step system for setting boundaries in your life and business, journal prompts to help you identify where to set better boundaries, and take-and-tweak templates for setting boundaries on social media and in emails

Includes workbooks to inspire you to take action and make those big THINGS happen, with step by step systems to take the stress out of decision making

Includes workbooks to inspire you to take action and make those big THINGS happen, with step by step systems to take the stress out of decision making

Includes a training video + workbook to learn how to effortlessly create a content library, along with two trackers to help you keep on top of where you post your content

Includes a training video + workbook to learn how to effortlessly create a content library, along with two trackers to help you keep on top of where you post your content

Stack it all up and you get ...


  • My Let's Go From Invisible → Impactful Course ($397 Value) with 6 modules to help you confidently show up online, build your tribe, and establish yourself as a leader in your industry!

  • My Make Up Your Mind and Manifest Course ($297 Value) with 6 modules to help uncover what you truly desire in life and business, gain clarity, and develop a plan of action to make it happen and “manifest” it!

  • Over 20 hours of Masterclasses ($2,000 Value) geared toward clearing the mental clutter, getting consistent, building business relationships, creating content, managing your emotions, PLUS all the behind the scenes of my business where I share personal spreadsheets, swipe files, launch sequences, email templates, and the list goes on!

  • Action-Focused Workbooks ($178 Value) on building confidence, creating a mindset of abundance, setting boundaries, making big decisions, prioritizing self-care, and more!

  • My Mindset Reset Challenge ($47 Value) to help you uncover barriers holding you back from your greatest potential so you can finally get to that next level in your business!

    Total Value: $2,919

But you can get it all today for only $449.

The Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator gives you the tools you need to take your mindset (and therefore your business success!) to the next level!