Episode #67: The Top Four Beliefs to Ditch in Order to Step Into Greatness (Part One)

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The Lie: We need our friends and family to understand in order to be successful

The Truth: No one will believe in my dreams to the extent that I do -- and I don’t need them to in order to be successful

Steps to overcoming this lie: 

  • No one has walked in your exact steps so you can’t expect them to understand. I can still move forward without them understanding. 

  • Try to educate your friends and family on what you do. It might help them to understand better what it is you do. 

  • No one is going to believe in your dreams as much as you do. Once you accept this, you will be able to move forward.

  • Quit pouring energy into why people don’t understand and pour it into your dream instead.

  • Surround yourself with a community of people that are striving and a few steps ahead of you. 

Words of Wisdom: 

-- There is always more growth, there is always more possibility and we are never done learning.

-- This is not about friends or family -- this is about my mission and my dream.

-- You are the only one that needs to believe in your dreams. When you have a dream in your heart you don’t need the validation of others to believe in your dreams.

-- You don’t need the validation of others. You need to believe in your dream yourself and just move forward. 

-- Surround yourself with positivity.

For more on this topic check out Chapter 8 in my new book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores! 

Join me in my group The Confident Ladies Club where we are running a 12-week book club. It’s not too late to sign up! Each week we are going over a Chapter of my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success. We also have an option to Host Your Own book club where you grab your gal pals and I supply you with all the tools you need to have a successful book club! You can find out more information on both of the book club options and sign up by going here!

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