I AM the girl for it

Happy Tuesday Confident Lady,

I recently interviewed an amazing guest for the podcast, Shannon Kaiser who shared about overcoming the lie of"who am I to go after my dreams". Today I want to briefly dive into this lie with you, as I know so many of us have felt this way at one point or another.

Here is my word of wisdom for you ---> Who are you to NOT to go and pursue your dreams?

So often we think others are more capable and qualified than us. We discredit all of our achievements. We are afraid that we'll be the exception, meaning, we'll be that 1% it WON'T work for. My loving nudge and question for you today is "what makes you so special that it has to be different for you? If it's been done before, what makes YOU the exception?" I mean this. If it's been done before, it means it can be done again. Just because the exact thing is already out there, doesn't mean your spin isn't needed.

What is that thing you've been wanting to do, but the negative voices have held you back? My thing was podcasting. For the longest time I kept telling myself there were plenty out there and mine wasn't needed. LIE. There are a ton out there, but mine is NOT the same. And me continuing to believe this lie was robbing the world from hearing one more story of overcoming. By working through that limiting belief, I can now invite women to share their story and use their story to encourage and heal someone who really needs it.

How are you holding back today? 

What is it you want to do?

And what are the repercussions of you NOT working through this and sharing your gift with the world?

Did this hit home today? Ever feel the "who am I" feels? Comment below and share with me! If think you might be ready to get some support with this, shoot an email to me at kate@katecrocco.com and we will chat about some ways I can support you in getting confident in what is already within you.

And catch Shannon's episode on this topic over at the Podcast HERE!

Blessings + Abundance,

XO Kate

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