She does it better

Happy Tuesday Confident Lady,

This week we had an amazing guest on the podcast, Dee Ann Turner who spoke about overcoming "not feeling like enough". We specifically got into the challenges of mamahood which any of you who are care takers I’m sure can relate to. Today I want to briefly dive into this lie with you, as I know so many of us have felt (or will feel) this way at one point or another.

Here is my word of wisdom for you ---> “You’re a good mom because you care” —beautiful words from my mama friend Sara Wiles

I devote an ENTIRE chapter of my new book, Thinking Like a Boss, just to this very topic as it’s a topic for ALL women. So often we feel inadequate or lacking compared to the moms we see around us. As we drop our kids off at daycare our mind might play a little something like this: she looks like she washed her hair this week, how does her car stay so clean, her kids look so put together, she always packs organic snacks, and the list goes on. Can anyone relate? Now this didn’t start when we had kids, this started long ago when we adopted Turbo. This could also be happening for one of you who is responsible for a sick relative who needs constant care. We ALL do this to ourselves. Just recently I began bawling to my husband over not feeling enough because my good friends kiddos nap and “I must be doing something wrong because ours don’t”.

Can any of you relate? Here’s the thing. If we only kept our eyes in our own lane we wouldn't need to deal with any of this—we wouldn’t know any better! It’s because we are looking all which ways around that we invite this type of thinking in. It must have been a heck of a lot easier years ago without social media! Anyone else agree?!

So how can we quit comparing and believe we are a good mom or caretaker? THREE things:

  1. Begin reciting mantras: for example: I’m a good mom because I care + today I am doing the best that I can do. This eliminates guilt, which helps us show up better in our families lives and better in our businesses.

  2. Stay in your own lane. What happens when your’e driving and you start looking at all the beautiful houses along the side of the road or the awesome cars around you that you don’t have? You may begin to swerve. You may also lose track of direction. You may begin to speed or may begin driving way too slow. Come on, you’ve done it and know exactly what I mean HA When you look around (rather than straight ahead) you get derailed from your destination. Same happens in your business. Comparing to the other moms in business will only be a detriment to your success.

  3. Replace comparison with gratitude. Rather than swerving into other peoples lanes, stay in your own, take a look around, and start celebrating what’s already in your hands. That’s all folks, begin celebrating everything around you!

In closing, YOU are fantastic at what you do because you care. And this alone makes you enough my friend! If this post resonated today, comment below and share with me! If think you might be ready to get some support with this, shoot an email to me at and we will chat about some ways I can support you in getting into a more abundant mindset in your business.

And catch Dee Ann's episode on this topic over at the Podcast HERE!

Blessings + Abundance,

XO Kate