Shifting our deep rooted beliefs around SUCCESS

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Dear former self,

Thank you for the strength to push through the hard times. Thank you

for not giving up when business felt impossible. Thank you for surrendering

rather than pushing and striving.


the more compassionate me

…..If someone showed me a mirror of what my life looks like today, as a part-time business owner and mostly stay at home mama, I would have been utterly disappointed. I would have looked at my business as a failure. I would have looked at my LIFE as a failure. I would have thought I had given up.

Hitting six figures my first year of business was the result of working around the clock, losing myself, my zest for life, my intentionality in relationships, and most tragically, my relationship with God. I mean he was still there and I didn’t realize at the time I was slipping, but looking back, my business and success WAS my number one and everyone and everything was after.

If you would have asked me where I’d be at year seven in business, I would answered with, “making either a million or close to million a year”. I cringe and chuckle as I write this. It feels so ick. Not that making a million dollars is ick, because it isn’t, but my way about it, at the expense of losing what meant most to me is so sad. If I would have continued the hustle, I could have very easily hit those numbers and levels of what I viewed as success. But that’s not what God had for me. He decided my future for me. Three beautiful babies and a business that IS SUCCESSFUL, but looks different than what I envisioned for myself.

I was on a fast track to losing my vision, my spark for serving, and my heart for people, but God humbled me. Abundance doesn’t always equate to financial wealth. It can equate to overall holistic wealth, your mind, body, and soul in the most perfect alignment with Gods plan for your life. Today the majority of my day is spent wrangling toddlers, carting to practices, filling sippy cups, washing, folding, and sorting outfits to stash in ziplocks for easy morning grabs, wiping tushies, and reminding these little of KINDNESS, threatening “kindness girls or else….” LOL

These days I work at max 5 hours per week. I’m certainly not making millions, but I’m far more fulfilled than ever before. I’ve learned that in this season of CHOOSING motherhood over business, success is being the best mom I can be to my kiddos while still being able to pour into my Mastermind coaching ladies, and still be able to pay my team, pay for daycare (NY is expensive!!), tithe, donate, contribute to grown up bills, and still have a few bucks to treat myself to little delights in life guilt free. If you’re local, that’s the Ready Coffee drive-through, the Fit Social Smoothie bar, and adding new books to my library! To me this feels the most abundant I’ve ever been! Although to some this looks like just getting by, to me it’s everything I’ve dreamed of, running a business to SERVE and watch women grow WHILE watching my little people grow , fully contributing to both.

Today you may be a full time stay at home mama not working at all. Yet, you are STILL contributing ALL of your time and energy to your family. Whether you’re making millions, thousands, or even nothing, you CAN still leave a mark on this world and live abundantly. Your season is not forever. There is a time and a season for different levels of abundance. Fully immerse yourself in the season that God has placed you in. Don’t fight against it. Thank him for it. Once I stopped fighting and began realizing how abundant my life was, it all felt light.

Over the next seven weeks I recorded some fun podcast episodes for you! These are not your typically business coaching, but raw unedited, get to know the season I’m in podcast episodes. I get honest and maybe even share TMI on birth details, but make sure you listen til the last episode where I talk about changing my mind and narrative of my birth story. I had a revelation about how I want to change the birth narratives for generations of women before us. I won’t share anymore, tune in and stick around to hear more. LISTEN HERE!

Can you relate to this today? Has your vision of success shifted with the season you are in? Are you missing out on what you truly desire for your life because you’re too focussed on success? Share with me, I’d love to hear and support you sister.

XO Kate