I'm About to Do Something New....

I'm About to Do Something New....

This week I’m really feeling called to talk on a particular scripture. I came across it during my maternity-leave, at a time I was having “a morning”. It was one of those weeks where baby AB was regressing into her early infant sleep patterns and I just wasn’t sure how I was going to keep up in my business having so little time to commit.

Power of Surrender

This week I want to discuss a Mindset topic with you…….the power of SURRENDER.  I think many of you know this has been a HUGE theme for me in 2017……..leaning back and surrendering at a level that feels super uncomfortable. Since day 1 of my pregnancy I knew baby Annabelle would be arriving early--something deep within told me to hold onto this and to plan accordingly. This whole story (with all the feels!) could be a book in itself, so I won’t get into that today LOL but just keep this in mind as I share!

30 Keys to Unlock the Door to Your Online Success

There are A LOT of people in this online space, but not everyone is willing to pull back the curtains and have an open conversation about what it really takes to create a successful business.

Within the first year of starting my second business as an online Mindset + Confidence Coach, I hit the six-figure mark. And guess what? The reason why I was able to scale so quickly was because of the unshakeable mindset I had cultivated while growing my first business, a local psychotherapy private practice.

And now I want to share with you a deeper look into year one of my coaching business, giving my unfiltered views so you can see the reality of what it takes to create an unshakeable mindset to in turn have a thriving business. I will be sharing the good, the bad, and everything in between. I'm sharing lessons I've learned in the hopes of inspiring YOU to create the success you want in your business!

Boundaries in Business Part II

Boundaries in Business Part II

This week we've been talking “Boundaries in Business Part II". Last week we discussed setting boundaries with those who are in our business circle. And this week we are talking boundaries in PERSONAL relationships and how they can MAKE or BREAK our business.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself this week:

// Have I created good boundaries in my life with friends and family?

// How do these boundaries serve me in my business?

// Do I stick to these boundaries or do I let people cross them?

// Can I identify what makes me more vulnerable which in turn allows people to cross them?

Here is something to keep in mind while you're enjoying this blog post --->Improved Confidence in RELATIONSHIPS = Healthier Boundaries in Relationships = HEALTHIER MINDSET. And a HEALTHIER MINDSET = More Business SUCCESS.

Boundaries in Business Part I

Boundaries in Business Part I

Hey Confident Lady,

This week we are talking “Boundaries in Business Part I". Here are a few questions to ask yourself this week:

// Have I created good boundaries in my business?

// Have I created good boundaries in my life?

// Do I stick to these boundaries or do I let people cross them?

// Can I identify what makes me more vulnerable which in turn allows people to cross them?

Remember this ----> Improved Confidence = healthier Boundaries = HEALTHIER MINDSET. And a HEALTHIER MINDSET = More Business SUCCESS.